How to calculate Total Cubic Meter of good (CBM) by sea - Less than Container Load (LCL)


  • After converting the results, compare the Total Gross Weight (after packing) with the Total Volumetric Weight (after conversion). Whichever is greater will be used as the volume for calculating sea freight charges.
  • 1 CBM (cubic meter for sea freight) = 1000 KG
  • Including:

    • Weight per package (kg) = Number of packages x Weight per package
    • Volume per package (cbm) = Length x Width x Height (m) (m)
    • Total volume of cargo (kg) = Volume per package x number of packages
    • Length, width, and height are the dimensions of the package after packing

    For example: Consider a shipment with 3 packages:

    Dimensions of each package: 150cm x 110cm x 160cm.

    Weight per package: 700 kgs.

    Step 1: Calculate the total weight of the shipment

    Formula: Total weight of shipment = Weight per package x number of packages => 700kg x 3 packages = 2100kg

    Step 2: Determine the cubic meter (CBM) for the shipment

    CBM = Length x Width x Height (in meters) x number of packages

    => CBM of shipment = 1.5m x 1.1m x 1.6m x 3 = 7.92 CBM (m3)

    Step 3: Compare the total weight of the shipment with the CBM. Shipping charges are calculated based on the higher value

    => In this case, we compare: 2.1 (total weight) < 7.92 (CBM) => Shipping charges for this shipment will be calculated based on CBM

    Step 4: Calculate shipping charges based on CBM or total weight

    Assuming the shipping rate is $100 per ton/CBM

    => The shipping charges calculated based on CBM for this shipment would be: Charge = 100 x 7.92 = $792
